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Xiao Wen

Vice President

Xiao Wen

Institute of Eastern-Himalaya Biodiversity Research, Dali University, China

International Centre for Biodiversity and Primates Conservation, Dali University, Dali, Yunnan 671003, China

Current affiliations

Having started his academic journey in primate ecology, behavior, and conservation at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Professor Xiao went on to found the Institute of Eastern-Himalaya Biodiversity Research at Dali University.

His projects are specifically centered on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateaus and Mts. Hengduan, exploring the relationship between biodiversity and human cultural diversity, the vital role of flagship animal species in ecosystems, conservation challenges they encounter, and ecological and conservation monitoring of the Three Parallel Rivers (Yangtze, Lancang, and Nujiang).

Recent publications

  • Li YP, Zhang LX, Gao Y, Huang ZP, Cui LW, Liu SR, Fang YH, Ren GP, Fornacca D, Xiao W. 2019. Ecotourism in China, Misuse or Genuine Development? An Analysis Based on Map Browser Results. Sustainability, 11: 4997.

  • Pan WB, Ding W, He XD, Zhang LX, Zhao XF, Ma C, Huang ZP, Ren GP, Xiao W. 2019. Low input parks strategy can work: Dynamic profile of Mishmi Takins under constrained conservation management in Mt. Gaoligong, China. Global Ecology and Conservation, 19, e00659.

  • Fornacca D, Ren, GP, Xiao W. 2018. Evaluating the Best Spectral Indices for the Detection of Burn Scars at Several Post-Fire Dates in a Mountainous Region of Northwest Yunnan, China. Remote sensing, 10, 1196; doi:10.3390/rs10081196.

  • Ren GP, Yang Y, He XD, Li, GS, Gao Y, Huang ZP, Ma C, Wang W, Xiao W. 2017. Habitat evaluation and conservation framework of the newly discovered and critically endangered black snub-nosed monkey. Biological Conservation, 209: 273 – 279

  • Xiao W, Ding W, Cui LW, Zhou RL, Zhao QK. 2003. Habitat degradation of Rhinopithecus bieti in Yunnan, China. International Journal of Primatology, 24(2): 389-398.

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